Regulative and Legislative Framework




Presidential Decree No. 84/14 Approval of the Informal Economy Reconversion Program (PREI).
Apr-14 Rectificação no. 05/14 Rectifies Notice nº 02/2014 of March 28 - paragraph 2 of article 14 and article 15
May-14 Instruction No. 05/2014 Payment Cards - Minimum Services for Issuer and Acquirer.
Jun-14 Directive No. 01/DSI/2014 Service Provision of Remittance and Reception of Values.
Aug-14 Notice No. 03/2014 Change of Notice No. 19/12 which establishes the rules and procedures to be observed in the exchange of foreign currency while Importing, Exporting and Re-exporting of Goods.
Aug-14 Aviso nº 04/2014 Processo Simplificado para o Pagamento de Importação de Mercadorias
Aug-14 Notice No. 04/2014 Simplified Process for the Payment of Importing of Goods.
Oct-14 Instruction No. 04/2014 Pricing of Financial Institutions (Revokes Directive No 03/DSI/2004).
Oct-14 Notice No. 05/2014 Authorization for the Constitution of Payment Services Providers Societies.
Oct-14 Notice No. 06/2014 Payment Service Provision.
Oct-14 Notice No. 07/2014 Foreign Currency Sale.
Oct-14 Law No. 18/14 Labor Income Tax Code (Revokes Law No. 10/99 and Executive Decree No. 80/09).
Oct-14 Law No. 19/14 Industrial Tax Code (Revokes Diploma in Law No. 35/72, Law No. 18/92, Law No. 7/97 and Law No. 5/99).
Oct-14 Law No. 20/14 Tax Execution Code (Revokes Presidential Legislative Decree No. 2/11).
Oct-14 Law No. 21/14 National Tax Code (Revokes Legislative Diploma No. 3868 and subsequent amendments, Articles 190 to 209 of the Customs Code).

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