Regulative and Legislative Framework



Out-17 Presidential Decree no. 258/17 Interim Plan on Policy Measures and Actions to Improve the Current Economic and Social Situation - October 2017 to March 2018
Dec-17 Instruction no. 05/2017 Foreign Exchange Policy - Alteration of Procedures for Participation and Holding of Foreign Currency Purchase and Sale Sessions (revokes Instruction no. 12/2015 and paragraphs 4.1.4 to 4.1.7 of Instruction no. 10 / 2015)
Dec-17 Instruction no. 06/2017 Obligatory Reserves (revokes Instruction no. 02/2016 and Instruction no. 04/2016)
Dec-17 Directive no. 08 / DMA / 2017 Markets - BNA Basic Interest Rate, Interest Rates on Permanent Lending and Liquidity Absorption Facilities Operations

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